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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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    Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.      13


      this Province at the time of his death, according to the exigence             Liber Z.

      of the lawes in that behalfe; and that you returne a true and

      faithfull accompt of yor admraon herein to vs or or said Secre

      tary, when you shalbe therevnto called; and that you save vs

      and all Or officers & ministers safe and harmeles agst whomso

      ever by reason of this your admration. Given at St maries

      this 8th of ffebr. 1637.


      8.   feb.

                                                                                                                 p.   29

        This day came before me mr Robt Philpott gent and one of

      the Counsell of the Ile of Kent, and John Langford highe

      Constable of the said Iland, and acknowledge themselves to

      owe vnto mr Leonard Calvert Esq. &c. two thousand fiftie and

      two pound weight of good merchantable leafe tobacco and

      cask; to be paid vnto the said Leonard Calvert his heires

      exequutors admrators or assignes on or before the last day of

      this moneth. And if they shall not so doe, they will and grant

      for themselves their heires exequutors and admrators that the

      said 2052 l wt of tobacco & caske be levied vpon the lands

      goods & chattells of them the said Robt Philpott and John

      Langford wheresoever they shalbe found

      Recogn coram me

      John Lewger Secret:


        Cecilius Lord Proprietr to the Sheriff of the Ile of Kent

      greeting We command you that you attach the bodies of

      Richard Thompson, John Abbott, and Samuel Smith of your

      Iland, and that you keepe them in safe custodie, vntill they

      shall putt in sufficient security to answere to the suite of

      william Clobery mrchnt. and company in an action of debt of ten

      thousand weight of tobacco; that is the said Richard Thomp

      son in an action of foure thousand weight, and the said John

      Abbott in an action of 3000 wt and the said Samuel Smith in

      an action of three thousand weight; at the next Court to be

      held at St maries on the first of may next; and to abide the

      iudgemt of the Court. Given at St maries this 9th of ffebr.

      1637. witnesse Leonard Calvert


      12th ffeb: 1637

        This day came before mee James Cauther Thomas Pasmore 30

      and acknowledge themselves and each one for himselfe to owe

      vnto mr Thomas Cornwaleys Esq and one of the Counsell of

      this Province two thousand foure hundred weight of tobacco;

      to be paid vnto the said Thomas Cornwaleys his heires

      exequutors admrators or assignes on the 10th of november

      next. And if they shall not so doe; they will and grant for


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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