Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1647. 99
be inflicted, And I doe hereby authorise and declare it Lawfull
to any Inhabitant whatsoever of the Isle of Kent to Shoot
wound or kill any Indian whatsoever comeing upon the Said
Island untill further Order be given herein Given at St Maries
10 July 164
Signed Leonard Calvert
6th October 1641
Liber F.
Whereas an Assessment bearing date 6 May 1641 for the
levying of certain publick Charges is by the Leiut General and
Council made and Charged upon the several Inhabitants of the
province according to the Act of General Assembly in that
behalf made and provided these are therefore to will and
require you to levy the sums assessed in the said Assessment
upon any and every the parties severally Assessed therein
within your County for the time being by distraining any
Tobacco's or by distress and Sale of any other Goods of the
party or parties refusing or delaying to pay the said Assess-
ment and to pay the Sums by You Levied unto the Treasurer
of the province and the Overpluss of any distress and Sale
after lawful fees paid to render it to the Owner Whereof fail
not at your perill and for so doing this shall be your warrant
To the Sheriff of St Signed
Marys Leonard Calvert
Liber C. B.
p. 57
8th October 1641
These are to License William Howkins to keep an Ordinary
or Victualling House at or near Saint Marys during pleasure
Leonard Calvert
p. 58
Conditions propounded by the right hoble Cecilius Lord
Baltemore Lord Proprietr of the Province of Maryland
in the parts of America, to such persons as shall ad-
venture or goe to plant in the Province aforesaid which
conditions are to begin from the ffeast of the Annun-
ciation of the Virgin Mary 1642. And to continue till
new or other conditions of plantaon for the said province
shalbe published vnder his Lops hand and scale within
the said Province.
Imprmis what person soever being of Brittish or Irish descent
that shalbe at the charge to transport into the Province of
Maryland himselfe or his deputy with any number of able men
betweene the ages of sixteene and fifty yeares of age of the
discent aforesaid, provided & furnished with armes & munition
according to a pticular herevnder exprest, or any number of
women betweene the ages of fourteene and fourty yeares of age
There shalbe granted vnto every such Adventurer for every
Liber P. R.
p. 35