in all points belonging to it so far as You shall be able & tht
yo Execute or Cause to be executed, all writts and warrants
directed to you, and true and faithfull return doe make of all
Such writts and warrants Soe far as Shall be demanded of
you. Given at St Maries 8th Aprill 1641. Wittness our Dear
brother &c.
The Same day the Said Cyprian made oath to the purpose
aforesaid and bound himself to the Lord Proprietary and his
heirs in two thousand wt of Tob. for the due performance of
his sd oath
Cy: Thorowgood.
Cecilius &c To our faithfull and beloved Counsellor Giles
Brent Gent Greeting, Whereas many Causes may happen
within the Isle of Kent wherein our Commander of the Said
Island is a partie, or is or may be Interested which cannot be
called or removed to St Maries without great charge trouble
and hindrance both to our Said Commander and to any other
parties, And Whereas one Cause of this nature is now depend-
ing between Thomas Bradnock (our Said Commander's mate)
plt and Henry Bellamy Deft being an Action of debt of 3000l
Tob. We reposeing Especiall trust and Confidence in your
Judgment and Integrity Doe hereby assigne and authorise you
to try hear and determine as well the Said action of 3000l Tobo
as all other Civill actions whatsoever happening or arise-
ing within the Said Island wherein our Said Commander
is party plt or Defendt or wherein the party p" or Defendt
is intituled by from or under or sd Commander or other-
wise notably interested in the Cause, that either partie
appeals from him and to award process for parties or Witt-
nesses to Administer Oaths, and to use and exercise all other