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woods five mile any where from the Said Bank into a hundred
by the name of St Clements hundred, Now to the end our
peace and rights and the good orders of our Province may be
the better maintained and Conserved from time to time within
the Said hundred We relyeing much upon your Provident and
diligent Circumspection doe hereby appoint and authorise you
to be the Conservator of our Peace within the Said hundred,
as well upon the Land as upon the water adjoyning to it with
all powers and authorities belonging to any two Justices of
peace in England by the Law or usage of England, authorise-
ing you and with all charging and requiring you to use all
power and means necessary for the preserving of any our
rights within the Said hundred either upon the Land or water,
and to punish according to your discession with imprisonment
or ffine not exceeding 1l Tobo with any Corporal Correction
not extending to life or member any offenders against our sd
rights and Specially Such as Shall destroy or disturb our game
of Hernes upon Herne Island, by unlawfull takeing either of
the fowl or Eggs or by Shooting upon or near the Said Island,
and to take to your own use, the Guns netts or any other
Instruments used by any offenders to the disturbance or
destruction of any our game as aforesd and to apprehend and
Send to St Maries All unlawfull traders with the Indians and
Specially Such as Shall give or Sell to any Indian any arms
or ammunition, And to See that the Inhabitants of the Said
hundred be provided of necessary and Sufficient arms for their
defence upon all occasions, and to doe all other things neces-
sary for the Execution of any the powers hereby Comitted
unto you Given at St Maries Wittness Leon
20 March 1639
A Certificate that the Governor is willing that Wm Brainth-
wait Should freely trade with any Indians of these parts, for
any Corne to be expended in the Province and to prohibit all
persons to molest him &c.