Liber F.
what value or demand Soever the Same Shall be, and if any
person Shall be convicted of any debt either to ourself or any
other by the Confession and acknowledgement of the party
himself or by the verdict of Such as Shall trie the matter to
award execucon for all Such Several Sumes by a precept under
the hand of the Said William Brainthwait, which precept We
doe hereby appoint Shall be a Sufficient warrant to the Sherriff
of the Said Island to levie the Said Several Sumes contained
in the precept of execution either by distresse and Sale of the
goods of the partie against whome the Execution Shall be
awarded, or otherwise by Imprisomt of his person as the Said
precept Shall direct, Given at St Maries the 2 Ith December
1638, Wittness Leonard Calvert Esq &c.
[Order to Sheriff to attach property of Claiborne and partners.]