The condition of this Recognisance is that if the Recognisee
Henry ffleete, shall not by himselfe or his factor or servant
trade with any Indians within the precincts of this Province, nor
shall transport any truck throughe any part of this Province to
trade with any Indians on the South side of Patowmeck river;
without speciall licence hereafter obteined to that end from the
Governor of this Province for the time being then the Recog-
nisance to be void or els to stand in full strength.
Recogn coram me Henry ffleete
Tho: Cornwaleys.
[Appointment of John Boteler as captain of Kent Island
Cecilius &c. to or trustie John Boteler of the Ile of Kent
gent greeting, whereas in so remote an Iland and situate
among divers Salvage nations, the incursions as well of the
Salvages as of other enemies pyrates and robbers may prob-
ably be feared, therefore we reposing especiall trust and con-
fidence in the approved discretion skill and experience of you
the said John Boteler doe by these pnts appoint you to be
Captaine of the military band of that Ile of Kent in all martiall
matters; and doe give vnto you full power to leavie muster
and traine at such time & place as you shall appoint all sorts
of men able to beare armes within or said Ile of Kent for the
time being (the Commander of the said Iland only excepted)
and in case of any sodaine invasion of Salvages or pyrates to
make warre and to vse all necessary meanes to the resistance
and vanquishing of the enemy, as likewise to exequute martial]
law agst any mutinous or disorderly psons of yor company, wch
shall any way offend against the law custome & discipline mili-
tary. And we doe further hereby authorise you to elect and
appoint such & so many sergeants or other officers for you
assistance in the charge hereby committed vnto you as you
shall think fitt. And we doe further authorise you to make
and publish any orders wch you shall thinke fitt for the defence