72 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1647.
Liber A.
possesse them of, pretending likewise great injuries & uiolence
offered to them, in their trade, & possessions in those parts, by
the sd Agents, in killing some of the sd Capt Claybornes men,
& taking their Boates contrary to the sd Commisn & the ex-
presse words of a letter from his Maty under his hand & Signett.
And therfore besought his Maty to graunt unto the sd Petrs a
Confirmation under the great Seale, of his Maties sd Commisn &
letter for the quiett keeping enioying & gouerning of the sd
Ilands, Plants & People, wth other additament of Lawes & Im-
munities in those parts. And likewise thl his Maty would referre
the Examinaon of the sd wrongs & iniuries, to such as his Maty
should thinke fitt, as by the sd Pet" more att large appeareth;
fforasmuch as his Maty was pleased att Newmarkett the 26th of
ffebruary 1637 to referre the consideraon of the Petrs request,
unto the Ld Archbp of Canterbury, the Ld Keeper, the Ld Pryuy
Seale, & any other the Commis" for Plantns who should be
neare att hand, & whom they pleased to call, & wth all to ad-
uise wth Mr Attorney grall, for the preparing & selling the
Graunt desyred for his Maties Signiture, & to examine the
wrongs complayned of, & certify his Maty what they thought
fitt to be done for redresse thereof. Whereuppon all parties
attending their Lps this day, wth their Councell learned, & being
fully heard, the sd Commisn & Letter being likewise read. It
appeared clearely to their Lps, & was confessed by the sd Clay-
borne himselfe then prsent. That the sd Isle of Kent is wthin
p. 195
the Bownds & Lymitts of the Ld Baltemores Pattent. And tht
the sd Capt Claybornes Commis" as it likewise appeared, was
only a Lycense under the Signett of Scotland, to trade wth the
Indians of America in such places, where the sole Trade had
not bene formerly graunted by his Maty to any other. Wch
Commisn their Lps declared did not extend, nor giue any warrant
to the sd Clayborne, or any other: nor had they any right or
tytle thereby, to the sd Island of Kent, or to plant, or trade
there, or in any other parts or places, wth the Indians or Sauages
wthin the precints of the Ld Baltemores Pattent. And their
Lpps did likewise declare thl the aforesd Letter, under his Matys
signiture, wch had reference to the sd Commisn under the Signett
of Scotland was grownded uppon misinformation, by supposing
tht the sd Commis" warranted the Plantn in the Isle of Kent,
wch (as now appeares) it did not. Whereuppon as allso uppon
consideraon of a former order of this Board of the 3d of July
1633. Wherein it appeared thl the differences now in question
being then controuerted, the Ld Baltemore was left to the right
of his Pattent, & the Petrs to the course of Law. Their Lops
hauing resolued & declared as abouesd. The Right & Tytle
to the Ile of Kent & other places in question to be absolutely
belonging to the Ld Baltemore, & tht noe Plant" or Trade wth