Liber Z.
L. O. R.
No. 2.
p. 32
[Expedition to the Isle of Kent.]
By the Governor and Counsell this 12th of ffebr. 1637
The Govrnor and Counsell taking into consideration the
many pyracies insolencies mutinies & contempts of the gov-
ermt of this Province formerly committed by divers of the
inhabitants of the He of Kent, and that the warrants sent lately
into the said Iland vnder the great seale of the province for
apprehension of some malefactors and for to compell others
to answere their creditors in their lawfull suits of debt or
accompt, were disobeyed and contemned, and the prisoners
rescued out of the officers hands by open force and armes;
and being now newly informed that divers of them to mein-
teine & protect themselves in their said vnlawfull and rebellious
acts, did practise and conspire with the Sasquisahanoughes and
other Indians against the inhabitants of this colony : Have
thought it fitt that the Governr should saile in pson to the said
Ile of Kent and take along with him a sufficient number of
freemen well armed, and there by martiall law (if it shalbe
necessary) reduce the inhabitants of the said Hand to their due
obedience to the Lord Proprief, and by death (if need be)
correct mutinous and seditious offenders who shall not (after
proclamation made) submitt themselves to a due course of
iustice. And for his better assistance herein it was thought
fitt and so ordered that Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys Esq and
one of the Counsell of this Province should goe along with the
Governor, and be aiding and assisting to him to the vttermost
of his power for the commaund of the forces according to such
directions as he shall receive from the Governor, during this
signed Leonard Calvert
Jerome Hawley
John Lewger
p. 35
[Appointment of Deputy Governor.]
To all people to whom these pnts shall come I Leonard
Calvert Esq Lieutenant grall of the Province of maryland,
send healthe in or Lord God Everlasting whereas this pnt
generall Assembly beganne on the 25th day of January last
past, and by severall adiornments continued vntill the eighth
day of this instant moneth of ffebruary, was then adiorned
vntill the 26th of this instant moneth; now designing at this
pnt to make an expedition in person vnto the Ile of Kent,
and doubting lest some accident might hinder my returne to
St maries afore the said day, whereby the Assembly would of