Lamore, Peter, denization, 489.
Land grants neglected, 129, 229, 242.
confirmation of, 253, 298.
Land, Philip. High Sheriff, 229.
Langford, John, Surveyor-General, 101.
Councillor, 114, 131.
Lawson, John, Sheriff, 514.
Le Compte, A., denization, 513.
Lee, Mary, witchcraft, 306.
Lee, Hannah, petition, 447.
license to trade, 448.
Lewger, John, Justice, 60.
Councillor, 64, 114, 131, 157, 159.
Deputy Governor, 71.
suspended, 151.
Secretary and Judge, 158.
Lloyd, Edward, letter from, 460.
Lumbrozo, Jacob, alias John, denization,
license to trade, 526.
Macffenin, William, Sergeant, 104, 118.
commission, 315.
Manning, Thomas, claim to land, 358.
Captain, 401.
Attorney-General, 403.
Manokin, settlement at, 452.
Scarborough's proceedings at,
Manors, 458.
March, commission, 315.
Marchegay, Bennitt, denization, 533.
Mathews, Samuel, letter to Wolstenholme,
Commissioner, 264, 272.
petition, 320, 330, 331.
letter to Fendall, 380.
Mathews, Thomas, Sheriff, 541.
Mwttawoman Indians, land for, 534.
Meares, Thomas, commission, 315.
Meyor, Peter, denization, 428.
Militia, 320, 344, 349, 350, 364, 523.
Mitchell, William, Councillor, 250.
fine remitted, 294.
Morgan, Henry, High Sheriff, 197.
Mortmain, land not to be held in, 227, 236.
Murffee, Morice, petition, 450.
Muster-Master, 215, 315, 545.
Nanticokes, 116, 379, 452.
Neale, Hugh, commission, 471.
Neale, James, commission, 118, 427, 471.
Councillor, 131, 157.
Neale, James, order to, 133.
permit to, 386.
New Netherland, letter to Governor of,
mission from, 366.
Nuttall, John, license to trade, 445, 467,
charge against, 449, 450.
Oath of Councillor, 85, 145, 213.
fidelity, 145, 174, 193, 196, 341,
Governor, 209.
Secretary, 218.
Sheriff, 117, 515.
Justice of Peace, 553.
Odber, J., commission, 402, 471.
instructions, 417.
report, 434.
Oneida (Jhonadoes) prisoners, torture of,
Ordinance of Parliament, 165, 173, 180.
Oversey, Simon, protection to, 298.
Packer, Edward, Sheriff, 117, 137.
Pardons :
Adams, T., 96.
Burgess, W., 405.
Dandy, J., 187.
Fendall, J., 406, 408.
Gerrard, J., 407, 409.
Smith, R., 179.
Yewell, T , 179.
at Kent, 182.
general, 305.
to rebels, 195, 395.
Pascatoway, expedition to, 148.
garrison at, 163.
Emperor of, 360, 402, 453,
481, 532.
torture of prisoners, 501.
Pass, form of, 264.
Passayonke Indians, 431, 433.
Patapsco, Indian troubles at, 461.
murder at, 485.
Patuxent Indians, 87, 147.
Permit to ship, 382.
Petitions :
Abington, J , 381.
Brent, G., 162.
Burgess, W., 405.
Charles county, 556.
Claiborne, W., 24.
Clemants, J., 24.