Dandy, John, sentence commuted, 98, 146.
pardoned, 187.
Delaware, Dutch on. See Dutch.
Delaware Bay Indians, peace with, 486.
Denization of Barbery, T., 557.
Bedlo, J., 466.
Brasseuir, B., 465.
Clauson, J., 430.
Dutch and Swedes, 428.
Fountaine, N., 529.
Ganison, E., 514.
Guerin, G., 514.
Herman, A., 398.
Jourdaen, J., 562.
Lamore, P., 489.
Lamore, T., 489.
Le Compte, A., 513.
Lumbrozo, J., 488.
Marchegay, B., 533.
Meyor, P., 428.
Pouston, J., 490.
Sicks, J., 489.
Smith, E., 470.
Stille, A., 429.
Ubben, B., 470.
Dennis, Robert, Commissioner of Parlia-
ment, 265.
D'Hinoyossa, Alexander, correspondence
with, 415, 425.
Deputy Governor, 64, 71, 74, 98, 130, 131,
135, 139, 160, 241, 255, 439.
Dew, Patrick, charged with murder, 472.
Dutch custom, 302, 360.
Dutch on the Delaware, 362-378, 426.
Dutch and Swedes, denization, 428.
Eastern Shore, Commissioners for, 488,
490, 537.
Edmundson, John, license to trade, 556.
Eltonhead, William, Councillor, 242.
Elzey, John, Commissioner, 471.
letter from, 473.
Embargo, proclamation of, 174.
Emperor of Pascatoway, 360, 402, 453,
Engagement of fidelity, 353.
Evans, William, commission, 392, 410.
Councillor, 492.
Evelin, George, Commander of Kent, 59.
Evelin, Robert, commission, 102.
Everett (Averet) John, desertion, 435, 441,
Ewen, Richard, Sheriff, 517.
Fendall, Josias, Governor, 323.
grant of land to, 325.
letter to Gov. Stuyvesant, 365.
S. Mathews, 380.
charges against, 387.
proclamation against, 392, 395.
submission, 396.
imprisoned, 397, 445.
summons to, 399.
petition, 405.
pardon, 406, 408.
Fendall's conspiracy. See Burgess, Fen-
dall, Gerrard, Hatch, Jenkins, Utie,
Fenwick, Cuthbert, commission, 83, 84,
report, 74.
estate divided, 434.
Fleete, Henry, commission, 148.
instructions, 149.
Ford, Mary, charge against Cornwaleys,
166, 168, 171.
Forestallers, 94.
Fountaine, Nicholas, denization, 529.
Fuller, William, Commissioner for Pro-
vince, 312.
letter to Gov. Stone, 289.
Commander of Indian Expeditions,
proclamation against, 400.
Ganison, Egbert, denization, 514.
Gerrard, Thomas, Justice, 89.
commission, 118, 151.
Councillor, 138, 145, 159.
charges against, 354.
petition, 357, 407.
excluded from pardon, 396.
pardon, 407, 409.
Gibbons, Edward, Councillor, 261.
Gouldsmith, Samuel, petition, 418.
commission, 419, 503.
Governor, commission to, 49, 108, 114,
151, 157, 160, 201, 219, 542.
Great Seal, 214.
Greene, Thomas, commission, 151.
Councillor, 157, 160.
Governor, 187.
letter to Hill, 189.
Gov. Berkeley, 190.
Deputy Governor, 241.
proclaims Charles II, 243, 244.
Guerin, Gasper, denization, 514.