Overzee (Oversey), Elizabeth, 401, 402.
Overzee (Oversey), Simon (Symon), 298,
306, 366, 401, 402.
Owen, William, 318.
Oxford, Earl of, 164, 165, 173.
Oxford (place), 253.
Packer (Parker ?), Edward, 117, 123, 356,
Pakes, Walter, 174, 357.
Palantine (Palatine) County, 18.
Palmer, John, 121, 124, 125.
Palmer, Samuel, 435.
Palmers Island, 76, 77, 79, 134, 277, 421.
Farham (Ferham), Mr., 247, 248.
Parke, Capt. Daniel, 550, 552, 560.
Parker, Edward, 119, 120, 137, 147 — see
also Packer.
Parker, Thomas, 121, 124, 126.
Parker, William, 320.
Parratt, William, 320.
Pascataway, Emperor of, 360, 402, 481,
Pascataway, Great men of, 482.
Pascataway (place), 102, 148, 163, 454,
481, 482.
Pascataway Indians, 150, 453, 454, 501.
Passayonke Indians, 421, 431, 433, 462.
Patapsco, 461, 499, 530, 549.
Patapsco River, 412, 418, 420, 433, 444,
462, 485, 500, 502, 524.
Patomac — see Potomac.
Patuxent, 74, 107, 147, 288, 294, 312, 315,
316, 317, 318, 366, 375, 378, 380, 514,
Patuxent County, 315, 318, 320.
Patuxent Indians, 87.
Patuxent, King of, 74.
Patuxent River, 88, 126, 129, 137, 146,
147, 161, 259, 260, 261, 277, 283, 287,
288, 289, 294, 308, 312, 313, 315, 320,
334, 344, 347, 349, 350, 353, 401, 402,
420, 446, 462, 522, 523, 524, 525.
Paulett, John, 228.
Peake, George, 424, 539.
Pearce, William, 40.
Peare, John, 121, 124, 125.
Peaseley, William, 25, 41.
Peere, Henry, 256.
Peirce, Capt., 37.
Pennington, Admiral John, 23.
Penniston (Pemmiston), Anthony, 181,
247, 248.
Pennoyer, William, 181.
Peon, Jaques, 450.
Percy, Robert, 73.
Perfaite, William, 174.
Perkins, Mr. booke, 77.
Perry, Edmond, 121, 124, 125.
Perry, Capt. William, 32.
Peter, an Indian, 143, 148.
Peter, lafer, 278.
Petit, Thomas, 120, 123, 138, 174.
Pettiman, Ralph, 121, 124, 125.
Pewell, Thomas — see Yewell.
Pheypo, Marks, 295, 301.
Philips, Earth., 179.
Phillipps, John, 121, 124, 125, 279, 282.
Phillipps, Richard, 181.
Philpott, Robert, 62, 121, 124, 125.
Philpott, Thomas, 125.
Pichacomica Indians, 462.
Pickard, Nicholas, 425, 541.
Fickhattomitta (place), 431, 433.
Pight, Richard, 365.
Pihall, Peeter, 455.
Pikaiwaxen (place), 445.
Pile, John, 211, 213.
Pinna, King of Pickhattomitta, 431, 432,
Pinner, Richard, 121, 124, 125.
Piscatoway (place) — see Pascataway.
Pitts, John, 555, 556.
Plowden (Ploythen), Sir Edmond, 373.
Plymouth (Plimouth), 15, 39.
Pocamoke — see Wicomico.
Point Comfort, 41.
Point Lookout, 538.
Polhamton, Nicholas, 126.
Pollard, John, 449, 450.
Poplar Hill, 344, 346, 518.
Poplars (Popelirs) Island, 161.
Poole, Henry, 93.
Pope, Francis, 138, 174, 424, 449, 481,
483, 561.
Pope, Nathaniel, 120, 123, 130, 150, 174,
Porter, William, 121, 124, 125.
Portland, Earl of, 459.
Portobacco, 293, 325, 402, 403, 453, 454,
462, 501.
Portobacco, King and Great men of, 482.
Portobacco, Queen of, 489.
Portsmouth, 48.
Portugal, 488, 557.
Posey, Francis, 174.
Potomac (Patomac) County, 315, 318.
Potomac, King of, 550.
Potomac River, 3, 75, 90, 260, 281, 319,
349, 479- 501, 530, 532.
Potomac Town, 76, 315, 318, 530.
Potomacs (Indians), 149, 403.
Pott, Capt. France, 179.
Pott, Governor John, 16, 17.
Pott, Robert, 317.