P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XX, No. 1 95.
or any waies tending any Tobacco from the said first of Feb-
ruary one thousand six hundred sixty six, to the first of Feb-
ruary, one thousand six hundred sixty seaven. But the said
Act so made could not Transmitt to the sd Govrs of Virginia
and Maryland before the fifth of October last past by reason
of an Invacon of their neighbouring Indians by which laps of a
few daies occationed by the sd Invacon, Wee doe not judge
either the severall & respective Acts of Assembly or the sd
Articles of Treaty of the 12th July aforesaid grounded upon
the said Acts to be falln or voyd Wherefore to the intent the
good of the severall Collonies expected from a Cessacon, may
not be stifled in its birth, wee the Comrs of Virga and Mary-
land doe declare that no Advantage is or ought to be taken
upon the lapse of those few daies menconed being noe Essentiall
part of the said Agreemt and doe hereby accordingly ratifie
and confirme the same according to the true intent and mean-
ing thereof, fully relying upon the said late Act of Assembly
of Albemarle County in Carolina for the performance & the
Execucon of the sd Cessacon in time and manner as is
expressed in the same. And wee doe further hereby agree &
conclude thl there shall issue out a Proclamacon from each of
the respective Govrs requireing and commanding an exact
Obedience to the sd severall acts of Assembly made in the sd
severall Colonies of Virga Maryland and Albemarle County
and likewise the said Articles of Agreemt under the penalties
of Fine Imprisonmt & cutt up the Tobacco planted, sett, sowne
&c: To be inflicted upon all or any person or personns offend-
ing against the sd Act or any of them in their respective Gov-
ernmts And that Authentique Coppies of the sd Proclamacons
to be published as aforesaid be (so soone as possible) trans-
mitted from each respective Govr to both the other Govrs to
the intent that all Interests may be satisfied in the severall pro-
ceedings in the performance of the said Articles In wittness
whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and Seales, the day
and yeare first above written
Philip Calvert (seal) Tho: Ludwell (seal)
Henry Coursey (seal) Robt: Smith (seal)
Robt Slye (seal) Ri: Bennet (seal)
Tho: Notley. (seal) Nicho: Spencer (seal)
Tho: Ballard (seal)
Joseph: Bridgr (seal)
Daniell Parke (seal)