P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
IX, No. 55.
diciall to him, unles there be sufficient provisos and clauses
inserted therein (as occasion shall require for the preservation
of his right in the aforesaid Letters Pattents granted to his
Father and himselfe; and hath thereupon humbly besought us
that We would be graciously pleased by some speciall order
to prevent that no such prejudice be done unto him. Wee
therefore taking into our Royall consideration, as well the
good and faithfull services done by the said late Lord Balte-
more to our deer Father, as the great expense and adventure
aforesaid of him, and his sonne the now Lord Baltemore, for
the enlargement of our Empire and dominions in those parts
of the World, and conceiving our selves bound in justice and
Honor to secure and protect the said now Lord Baltemore in
the quiet and free enjoying of all his rights and priviledges
granted in the aforesaid Letters Pattents; doe hereby will and
require you and every of you that you take speciall care that
you doe not permitt nor give way to any Pattents or Commis-
sions, Letters or other Warrants whatsoever, for Plantations or
Discoverys in any parts in or neare unto the said Provinces of
Avalon and Maryland in the parts of America, to be prepared
for or to pass our Signature or any of our Scales, which may
any way infringe any of the rights or priviledges aforesaid of
the said now Lord Baltemore and his heires; But that you
make stopp and stay thereof, if any such shall come unto you
hands, till you give notice thereof to the said now Lord Balte-
more, which upon such occasions, wee require and command
you and every of you to doe, and that by the advice of his
Councell learned in the Law such clause be inserted in such
Pattents, Commissions, Letters or other Warrants as aforesaid,
before they pass our Signature or any of our Seales, as may be
necessary and convenient for the preservation of his the said
now Lord Baltemore's right, Interest, powers and priviledges
granted to his Father and himself in the Letters Pattents afore-
said. For which this or a true Authenticall Coppy hereof,
testifyed under the hand of one of our Principall secretaries of
State, shalbe to you and every of you a sufficient Warrant.
And furthermore for the better securing and encouragement
of the said now Lord Baltemore and all other Adventurers
under him, to proceed with cheerfullness and alacrity in the
planting of the aforesaid Provinces, We doe hereby declare
and engage our Royall words and promise that We will not at
any time hereafter give directions or permitt any Quo warranto
or other writt or commencement of suite in name, or any other
proceeding in any of our Courts of Judicature or elsewhere be
made, or sued for the infringing, avoyding or overthrowing of
either of the aforesaid Letters Pattents, for and in respect of
any clause, or matter therein contayned. And We doe hereby