558 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
Att a Councell held at St Marys
the 17th day of Octobr 1666
Gouernor Chancellor Jerome White Edward Loyd
Henry Coursey Coll: Williams Euans and Thomas Tru-
man. Esqrs
Was then taken into Consideration the Confirmacon of a
Cessation made in the Prouince of Carolina by an Act of
Assembly ther made and sent neither undr the handes of
William Drumand Esqr Gouernor thereof and George Catch-
meyd Genl speaker of die sd Assembly
Put to the Vote wether the said Act ought to be
put in Execution or not, Major Vote Conuenient
Whereupon Ordred by the Gouernor & Councell that a Ces-
sacon be made throughout the whole Prouince according that
Act made in this Prouince at an Assembly held the 10th day
of Aprill last and all Clauses therein expressed to be duely
Obserued and kept.
And further Ordred that the ensueing Proclamation doe forth-
wth issue to each respectiue County wthin this Prouince to be
there Proclaime by the sherriffes of each County that the
Inhabitants therof may be fully sattisfyed of the same
Which Proclamations did accordingly issue undr the
Create Seale of this Prouince to each respectiue County
and is as tolloweth
By the Lievtennt Generall
and Cheife Governor of this Pro-
vince of Maryland.
Concerning the Act for Encouragmt
of Trade
Wheareas by a late act of Assembly begun at St Maries the
tenth day of Aprill in the yeare One thousand six hundred
sixty & six Entituled an act for encouragmt of trade itt is
Enacted that no tobacco shall be Sowen Sett planted or any
waye tended wthin this province from the first of ffebruary wch
shall be in this present yeare One thowsand sixe hundd sixty
& sixe till the first of ffebruary which shall be in the yeare One
thowsand sixe hundred sixty Seaven Provided tht the Rt honoble
Sr William Berkeley & the assembly in Virga & William
Drummond Esqr & the assembly in Carolina do make the like
act in their seurall & Respective assemblyes, Prohibiting the
sowing setting planting or any waies tending any tobacco in
the yeare aforesd) within their seurall & Respective Jurisdictions