556 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661 - 1675 .
Liber H. H.
Ordred that John Pitts & Jno Edmundson haue toleracon
lycence and liberty to Commerce and trade with any Indians
wthin this prouince Prouided they be accomptable for the tenth
part of all Beauor soe by them traded for, to the Leiutennt
Generall for the time being
p. 272
Att a Councell held in the Office Chamber On
the 12thSept 1666
Charles Caluert Esqr Gouernor
Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor
Jerome White | Esqr Councr
Coll Wm Euans | Then was taken into Consideracon the makeing up of the
publicque Leauy for this prsent yeare of 1 666
Att which time it is Ordred that the Leiutennt Generall be
paid out of the publicque leauy for a horse by him disburst and
giuen by the Country to the Indians 2500l tob
allso Ordred the leiutennt Generall be paid out of the
publicque leauy for Carpenters work & planck used in
and the Court howse for the railes & benches &c
Also Ordred the Leiutennt Generall be paid out of
the publicque leauy for Carpetts & other necessarys for
the Court howse
Ordred that the Honble Chancellor be pd out of the
publicque leauy the Charge of his sloope downe to Ver-
genia at her hire wth uictualling & mens wages
Ordred that the Clk Daniel lenifer be pd out of the
publicque leauy for making up the publicque leauy 3
yeares together & the County leauy
Ordred that the said Dan: lenifer be paid Out of the
publicque leauy for 2 mens hire and dyet wth other dis-
bursmts about the Office to the late Secretary
Ordred that Leiutennt Wm Smyth be paid Out of the
publicque leauy for Carpenters Work and Planck dis-
burst about the Office to the late Secretary
Then was read a petition of diuers Inhabitants & souldiers
cf Charles County that the Gouernor would displace Capt Wm
Boreman whom was lately Constituted Capt of the militia &c:
Ordred that the 5 first named in the said petition be sent
for downe by speciall sumons to the sherr. of that County, to
appeare next Prouinall Court to Answere their Contempt herein
for disobeying the said Comcon theire names are James Lindsey
Joseph Harrison Ignatious Causine John Lewger and Thomas
Allanson &c