all sorts of men of what condition or wheresoever borne in our
said Province & Dominions for the time being remaining and
in case of insurrection, assaults or approaching of any enemy
or enemyes, Pyrate or Pyrates or other Robbers to make Warr
and to pursue such Enemy or Enemyes, Pyrates or Robbers as
well by sea as Land and to vanquish & take them and being
soe taken to put them to death by the Law of Warr or to save
them at his pleasure And to use all & everything which unto
the Charge & Office of a Captain Generall of an Army or
admirall of a fleete belongeth and likewise in case of any Re-
bellion, Tumult or Sedition either upon the Land within our
said Province & Dominions or upon the seas to exercise
Martiall Lawes agt all Rebellious, mutinous & seditious persons
of these parts who shall refuse to submitt themselves to our
Government, or to serve in the warrs or shall fly to the enemy
or forsake theire Ensignes or be Loyterers or straglers or
otherwise howsoever offending agt the Law Custome or Dis-
cipline Millitary as freely and in as ample, manner & forme as
any Captaine Generall of an army or admirall of a navy by
virtue of his office might or hath accustomed to use the same
And further wee doe give and grant unto our said deare Sonn
full power & authority during the time of his exercise of the
said office before mentioned for us & in our names as often as
he shall think fitting from time to time to pardon, remitt or
release either before Judgemt or after all & all manner of
criminall offences agt the Lawes of our said Province and
Dominions or any of them, and alsoe all and all manner of
paines, penaltyes and forfeitures incurred or to be incurred by
any person or persons bodyes Pollitique or Corporate wthin our
said Province or Dominions or any of them for or by reason of
any Crime or Crimes, offence or offences comitted or to be
comitted agt any, the Lawes, Ordinances or orders of our said
Province heretofore made or hereafter to be made whatsoever
or however as fully and amply to all Intents, Considerations &
purposes as wee ourselves might doe if wee were then and
there personally present to doe the same and allsoe for us and
in oure name and as often as he shall find itt necessary from
time to time to call, assemble and sumon any severall
Assembly or General Assemblyes of the freemen of our said
Province or of their Deputyes or Delegates for the giving
of the advise, assent & approbation of the freemen of our said
Province to such Lawes and acts as shall be by & att any-
time ordayned made and enacted & under our Seale published,
& under which the advise, assent & approbation of the free-
men of our said Province shall be att any time requisite &
necessary, and the said Generall Assembly & Assemblyes soe
from time to time called assembled & sumoned or to be called,
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XX, No. 12.