shott wth a dayes prouisione and to giue notice to the Inhabi-
tants of that Hundred to tend the Crops of the said soldiers
untill further Order from the Gouernor and Councell,
Philip Caluert
Warrt likewise then issued to the Sherriffs of Charles Caluert
Anne Arrundell & Kent Countys, to issue new warrts to the
respectiue Constables of each Hundred wthin each County for
the tending and manuring each prsons Crop by the neigh-
bourhood, untill they shall be housed if they shall stay out soe
Philip Caluert
Sr this by Mr Smyths entreaty is to desire yorselfe and those
of the Councell that are mett to consider what lease may be
fitting to be giuen him of the house and land he now Hues on
and what euer by yorselfe and Rest of the Gentlemen is con-
cluded on is allsoe here assented to by
Sr yor humble seruant
To the Honble Philip Caluert Charles Caluert
Esqr Chancellor these,
In pursuance of the abouesd warrt from the Leiutennt Gene-
rall, it is Ordered that william Smyth haue a lease for 51
yeares of the state howse at St Marys according to an Act of
Assembly in that Case prouided
July 27th 1665
Then Commcon issued to his Lordps Commrs for Kent
County to sweare into theire Commcon Docter Bartholemew
Glenin and One of the Quorum, Giuen undr the Leiutennt
Generalls hand the day & yeare abouesaid
Charles Caluert