P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
tome, or Imposition for the same. Provided that care be taken
by his Maties Officers that under pretence hereof his Majesty
be not defrauded of his Dues and Customes, or any Pitch,
Hemp or Tarr, which is not of the growth Production or Manu-
facture of these Plantacons.
Iohn Nicholas.
p. 213
To the Rt honrble the Leivt Generall
The humble peticon of Margarett Hawkins
Sheweth That whereas Capt John Norwood late Sherriffe of
Ann Arrundell County hath taken away from your petrs hus-
band, Cattle to the Vallue of one thousand pounds of tob,
vpon pretence of a breach of an Act of Assembly by his Sonn
Entituled an Act for Millitary discipline when in truth he was
never Sumoned thereunto by any Officer nor had knowledge
thereof, as may appr by the Soldrs denying any parte of the
said fyne they knowing itt to be vnjustly taken he not refusing
to send his Sonn to the place of Millitary Exercise when-
soever Summoned therevnto
May itt therefore please yor honor that seing the Soldiers
willingnes to remitt, their parte of the fyne your honor would
be gratiously pleased to remitt yours and that an Ordr to that
Effect may be sent from your Honnor vnto the sayd Capt Nor-
wood to Deliver the said Cattle againe in your petrs husbands
hand and your, peticoner as in duty bound shall pray
Lett the peticon be granted
Charles Calvert
Whereas Margarite Hawkins in her peticon declared that
John Norwood late Sherriffe of Ann Arrundell County hath
Cattle to the vallue of one thousand pounds of tobacco from
her husband taken, in Satisfaccon of a fyne due for not appear-
ing att Musters, in Which peticon she prayes that as the Soldrs
on their, partes hath quitted their Jnterest to the sayd fyne
that the other part may be likewise remitted
Wherefore itt is ordred that the said ffine be fully
remitted, and the said Cattle soe taken from the said
Hawkins be againe restored and delivered into the