P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
may bee equally imposed upon Maryland as well as Virginia,
since wee with all tender Respect have considered the Interest
of his Lopps Province, and profess to find the Advantages to it
as great as to his Maties Country, and noe Inconveniency att all
by the in Equallity of the Clime (as hath beene Objected)
Since want of Raine not Sunne hinders planting of Cropps
there, and Raine is as frequent to the Northward as Southward,
and for the Propagation of Plants the only thing rationally to
bee urged, It hath beene Experimentaly Knowne that they
have had them in England (by the help of hott Bedds) as early
as wee in those parts, and England is much more Northward
than any of his Lordshipp's Dominions, though hee takes New-
found Land in, Soe that wee cannot but hope that neither his
Lordshipp nor Province (upon second thoughts) will think
much for soe great a good to redeeme themselves and Neigh-
bours from inEvitable poverty to bee at that little and incon-
siderable Charge and trouble that Gardiners usually are at here
for early fruites or Potthearbes.
Theis things wee have thought fitt to present to yor Lopps
view hoping by your grave wisdomes there will bee a Period
put to theis unnecessary Disputes and some Effectuall and
speedy Course taken for the good of both Countryes.
Which shall bee the hearty prayers of yor
Lopps most humble & devoted Servants
Hen: Chichley
John Jeffreys
Edward Digges
Francis Morryson.
Reed: Novr 1 664.
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
19th November 1664.
The Answer of the Lord Baltemore to the Paper exhibited
on 16th instant to the Right Honble the Lords of his Majestie's
most honoble Privy Councill by Sir Henry Chicheley, Mr John
Jeffreys, Mr Edward Diggs and Collo: Francis Morryson con-
teining certaine Proposals for the lessning of the quantity of
Tobacco in Virginia and Maryland &c.
To the first Proposall he shall for his part most readily
concur to any expedient that shalbe thought fitt to sett the
Plantacon upon more staple Commodities.
To the second for a regulacon of shipping to come togeather
from those parts he wonders to meet with it here so soone
again, when it was so lately upon a full hearing of both sides
revelled by his Majesty's royall Counccll Board by an Order
dated 29th June 1662 nor hath any relacon to the lessening the
quantity of Tobacco, which was the only thing recommended
by the Board to those Gentlemen to make proposals in. And