Att a Councell held the 27th June 1664
Present Charles Caluert Esqr Gournor Phillip
Caluert Esqr Chancellor Jerome white &
Baker Brooke Esqr Councellors
[War with Senecas.]
Then was taken into Consideration the prseruacon of the
prouince agt the incursion of the Cinego Jndians who lately
killed some English in Ann Arundell County & alsoe entred
the County of St Marys Ordred tht Warr be pclaimed agt the
Cinego Jndians tht a Reward of a hundred Armes lenght of
Roan Oake be giuen to eury pson whether Jndian or English
tht shall bring in a Cinego prison' or both his Eares if he be
slayne That all the Kings of the freind Jndians be sent to, to,
arme out their people in pursuit of the Cinego Jndians & tht
the respespectiue Millitary Officers within the seurall diuisions
of this puince doe arme out such & soe many of their seurall
Companys as they shall thinke fitt to goe in Company wth the
freind Jndians to pursue the Enemy, & that they presse such
horses armes & ammuicon as from tyme to tyme they shall
find Necessary & tht they keepe a pticuler Accot of the sd
armes & Amncon soe by them pressed to be sent downe in
Convenient tyme to yr Gournor & Councell.