to happen what we have & doe vndrstand herin is incerted &
doe Conceiue tht your Lop should haue thoughts for this prisoner
with a present to his owne Country in hopes of purchaseing
thereby, a peace wch by every one wee thinke is much required
& most earnestly desired Iacob Clawson hath voluntaryly & of
his owne ffree will, declared to us his Redines to goe vpon your
Comand, & shall to the Vtmost of his Abillity for the Countrys
sake) act & Assist any one tht yor lop shall thinke fitt to Jmploy
in a matter of soe great Consequence & further tht he is veryly
pswaded tht if such a thing were to be acted Ciuility in the be-
halfe of all the Sasqesahanaes would alsoe goe & tht thereby a
peace might be procured the Sasqesahanahs wee know would
willingly Imbrace a peace if Obteyned but are vnwilling (through
height of Spirit) to sue for itt Wee have Credible Jntormacon
by a Gentl from the Manhattoes now here present who is thither
wth all eppedicon returning, tht many of the Cenacoes will
(through a Customary Trade) from the last of June vntill the
Middle of July be at the fort at Arania to whome wee desired
he would giue this Relacon, tht he saw one of their Countrymen
(nameing his name tht the English had taken, attempting to
doe Mischeife & tht he was well & fairly by the English dealt
with all not after the manner & Cruelty, tht they shewed to
some of us wch they did formrly take, & tht there was great
hopes tht he would in some tyme come amongst thm agayne,
for by his kind vsage hitherto he Conceived noe lesse Jff what
wee have done appeares to your Lordshipp too much or too
Liber H. H.
litle Wee haue nothing to plead but or ignorance humbly
Craveing pardon your lordshipps in all due Obedience
Tho. Stockett
Sam. Gouldsmith
Fra: Wright
To the Rt Honorble Charles Calvert Lieut genrall of this
province of Maryland.
St Mary's
The declaracon of the Senecke tht was taken at Patapscoo
Hee says tht they Came into the howse of Mr Ball not with
any intent to kill any of the Christians, but had brought a
present, for the Christians of forty Beavers & beaks of peake
for the Sasqehanos: tht they desired peace & freindshipp that
the boy tht were taken & the men tht were killed att the Mill
tht it was the Cyocko Jndeans tht did both kill & take thm he
named the Indeans tht did bring the troopes on the Cuyticke
he says tht if he had been taken by the Sasqehanos, tht he should
not haue beene put to death by thm tht all the Joynts of his
body is Belts of peake tht he hath laid out for desire peace &
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