Liber H. H.
line drawn east into the maine Ocean from Watkins point
being the north point of tht Bay into wch the River Wighco
(form'ly called Wighcocomoco, afterwards Focomoke & now
Wighcocomoco againe) doth fall exclusiuely That is to say
fifty acres for eury pson transpltd upon such Condicons & terms
as are expressed in his lops Condicons of plantacon now
remaining vpon Record regulated according to his lops Decla-
racon of the 22th 7br 1658 now vpon record, alsoe pvided tht
eury pson claiming any land by Vertue of the condicons aforesd
for & in respect of the Transportaco of any pson or psons into
this pvince doe before the sd Step. Horsey Capt Wm Thorne &
Wm Bosnian or any two of thm & being within this pvince take
the Oath of Fidelity by the sd Condicons of plantacon required
wch sd oath the sd Step. Horsey Capt Wm Thorn & Wm Bosman
or any two of thra are hereby impowr'd to admitr to all or any
the psons desireous to transpt thmselves as aforesd before they
shall have any Warrts grd vnto thm respectively & alsoe pvided
tht all such psons as shall haue any Warrts grd be accotable to
the Secretary for the time being for all such ffees as for the sd
Warr5 & entries shall becom due & the sd Step. Horsey Capt
Wm Thorne & Wm Bosman are hereby impowred to keep a book
of all such Rts and Warrts as shalbe by thm or any of thm grantd
distinctly reciting the name & Surname of eury pson for & in
respect of whos transportacon they have allowed any land &
the same at the end of the 6 months aforsd to return into the
Secrtarys office signed with their hands & forasmuch in a place
now peopld some differences may betweene pty & pty arise or
Crimes be perpetrated & Comitted for the prseruacon of the
peace & better govermt of the people there resideing Wee doe
hereby impowr the sd Step. Horsey Capt Wm Thorne & Wm
Bosman or any too of thm to heare & determine all causes not
exceeding 2000l of Tob. as alsoe to cause to be apprhendd &
punished any Criminall offending agl any the laws of this pro-
vince provided they proceed not to take life or membr Given
att St Mary's vnder the lesser Seale of this province this 26th
Day of May in the Two & thirtieth yeare of his lops Dominion
ouer the said Province Annoq Domini one thousand six hun-
dred sixty ffowre.
[Boundary Question.]