tythable person and the howse of his aboade bee distinctly sett
downe and a Coppy thereof faire written and sent immediately
downe to the Gouernor & Councell and another Coppy of the
said list sett up in the Court howse att yor next County Court
to remaine there for the whole yeare, to the end that if any
errours bee therein they may bee Corected and the same Cer-
tyfyed to the Gouernor & Councell before the first day of
Septembr next, herein fayle not as yow will answere the Con-
trary, And for soe doeing this shall bee yor Warrant Giuen
undr my hand this 5th day of May 1664
To Thomas Dent high Signed Charles Caluert
Sherriffe of St Marys
Liber H. H.