Charles Calvert Esq Captn Genrall of all the fforces within
this province of Maryland vndr the Rt honnorble Caecilius Abso-
lute Lord & propryry of the same, To Lieutet Wm Coleburne
Greeting According to the power to mee by his sd Lop
Comitted, & vpon the Speciall Trust & Confidence I have
in your ffidellity Circumspeccon Courage & good Conduct, I
doe hereby Constitute Ordaine & appointe you Lieut vndr
Capt Wm Thorne of the fibot Company at pnrt & to be raised
by him betweene Choptanck River & a line drawne East into
the mayne Ocean from Watkins point being the North point of
tht Bay into which the River Wighco formrly called Wighco-
comoco afterwards Pocomoke & now Wighcocomoco againe
doth fall, Exclusively, them to Muster Exercise & traine vp in
the Art of Warr & discipline Millitary, & in all things to doe
as any Lieut of a Company of ffoot may or of Right ought to
doe to the resistance of all Enemies, Suppression of all mutanies
insolency's, & Rebellions whatsoever according to such Ordrs
& direccons as you shall from time to time receiue from me or
yor sd Capt To have & to hold the said Office & Comand till
the lord propry or his heires or his or their Lieut Cheife Gov-
ernor, or Capt Genrall for the time being shall signifye his or
their pleasure to the Contrary And all psons wlsoeur are here-
by required & Strictly comandd to yeeld all due obedience to
yow the sd Lieut (Wm) Coleburne in all things appteining to
the cofhand & Office hereby Conferred on yow as they will
answer the Contrary at their pills Given vndr my hand &
Seale this 26th day of March in the 32th yeare of his lops Do-
minion ovr this Province Annoq Domini one Thowsand Six
hundrd Sixty ffowre
p. 197