Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. 485
the time to come a perfect account be kept by you in that Plan-
tacon of all shipps that shall load there, and return the names
both of the Masters and the ships together with true Copies of
all such Bonds as shall be taken by you there twice in every
yeare unto the Officrs of the Custom House in London as afore-
said wch if you shall forbear to do upon Informacon thereof and
that any ships freighted there shall contrary to the Law trade
into forreign parts, his Matie will interpret it a very great
neglect in you, for weh he is resolved to cause the Breach of the
sd Act to bee prosecuted according to the Tenor thereof, and
discharge you from that employmt It being his pleasure that the
sd Law be very strictly observed, in regard it much concerneth
the Trade of this Kingdome.
All which wee have thought good to lett you know that you
may not pretend ignorance butt observe all such orders as are
directed by the said Act, whereof you are not to fail as you
will answer the contrary at yor Perill. And so &c:
Dated 24 June 1663. Signed
P. R. O.
Entry Book.
Vol. 60, p. 11.
Lord Chancellor Ld Seymour
Marq of Dorchester Ld Hatton
Ld Great Chamberlain Ld Holies
Ld Chamberlain Mr Treasurer
Earl of Sandwich Mr V: Chamberlain
Earl of Middleton Mr Secry Morrice
Earl of Carberry. Mr Secry Bennett.
Ld Bpp of London.
Att a Councell held att St Johns
4 July 1661. omitted in itts due place
Liber H. H.
p. 192
Charles Caluert Esq Gour
Philip Caluert Esq Chan:
Henry Sewall Esq Seer
Mr John Bateman
Mr Baker Brooke
This day Jerome White Esq Surueyor Grall of this Prouince,
Came, & tooke his Oath as Councellor of State.
Were then Read Certaine Ires sent from the Jnhabitants of
Baltemore County, att the head of the Bay Informing the
Leiut Grall & Councell of a Certaine Murther lately committed
by some Indians (unknowne to any there who they were)
uppon Two Jnhabitants, att the head of the Bay & one other
in Patapsco Riuer, wth Two yowng yowths allso wch those
Jndians haue eyther carryed away, or killed.
Ordered tht Mr George Goldsmith be forthwth sent for back
to St Maries, who was the messenger tht brought the newes of
all these accidents. Who is not yett (as is supposed) departed