to the tenor of their pattents that distress shall imediatly follow.
And that his Lordsp haue thought fitt heereby to giue notice
to the end that all persons should provide money or other
Commoditys more portable then Tobacco.
Then it was ordered that this oath should bee tendred vnto
euery person entreng Rights to land vppon Record.
You shall sweare that these persons heere by you named
weare transported into this Province heere to inhabitt, and that
noe land hath beene taken vp for them Legally within this
Province soe help you God.
Then was taken into consideration a declaration by the Lord
Proprietary of Maryland,
ordered that it bee published as it is heere written.
A declaration by the Lord
Proprietary of Maryland.
Whereas by our declaration of the 22o of September 1658
directed to our then Lieutenant of Maryland wee did require
that in all Grants from vs of Mannors there for persons trans-
ported thither after the 20o of June 1659 there should bee
reserued to vs and our Heirs a rent of two shillings yearely
for euery fifty Acres, and one yeares rent for a fine, and that
in all Grants of land for persons transported after the sd 20th
day of June there should bee reserued one years rent for a fine
to be paid vppon euery alienation of any such land, and to that
end a proviso should bee put into euery Graunt that noe tenant
should alien any part of the land Granted without entring it
one month after in the Provinciall or County Court there and