452 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
p. 137
At a Councell held at
St Johns ditto die
Lieutent Generall
Deputy Lieut. &
May 20 1662
This day came Randell Reuell and represented
the State of the plantation seated at Monoakin; and
desired that Course might bee taken for the suppley of the
plantation or continuance of the Common to himselfe and others
Graunted for Grauntinge of warrants and suruey of lands on
that parte of the Province dated 6th of nouember last past, his
relation thereof is in his verbis.
(viz), that there weare now at this present seated there fifty
tithable psons viz at Monokin and Anamessicks a place distant
som fower miles from Monokin. that thy had made an agreemt
wkh their neighbour Indians viz: the Emperor of Nanticocke.
which they desired mought be by the Gouernor and Councell
confirmed, which is as followeth. viz that the Emperor and his
Jndians weare to haue for euery plantation six match coates to
bee payd by them that seates such plantations. That they
weare to bringe in all runaways for which they weare to receaue
a matchcoate p pole for euery runaway deliuered. that they
should not Kill nor murther any the English, neither should
any English murther any of theirs. That if the Jndians stole
any thing from the English they should pay for: as alsoe the
English should pay for anythinge they stole from the Jndians.
that I case the English lick not of the Dutch tradeinge with
them that they would prohibit the Dutch tradeinge with them
Provided they might be suppleyed with necessarys from the
English. That noe English man whatsoeuer should pass
through theire Quarters without a pass from the Gouernor or
som Magistral therevnto authorized.
Where vppon it was ordered first that som fitt person be
authorized to conclude a peace with the Emperour of Nanti-
coke vppon the formentioned Articles to bee entred vppon
p. 138
Recd and that the Comission for Graunting warrts for land
dated 6o nouember last be renewed to Coll Edmond Scar-
bragh, Randall Reuells, and John Elzey Gentls to continue till
his Lop or his Heirs, or his or their Lieut. or Cheife Gouernor
of this Province for the tyme beinge shall recall the same,
vppon the same tearmes as the sayd Commission was to the sd
Edmond Scarbragh, Randall Reuells and John Elzey Graunted
as aforsayd.
And vppon consideration of the two Proclamations the one
for Prohibiting trade with the Indians and exportation of
Corne Dated the 7o day of December 1661. And the other
for the better obseruation of the Act for Nauigation and
increase of shippinge dated 31 January 1661. ordered that