Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. 449
For an Arrundell County Edmond Towne-hill, Samuell
Chew and John Norwood gent, out of which was chosen John
For Charles County James Lynsey, Francis Pope and Thomas
Hussey gent, out which was chosen James Lynsey.
For Baltemore County John Collett, John Collyer Thomas
Sampson, out of which was chosen John Collett.
Tabbott County presented John Morgan etc. and John Morgan
chosen sherriffe and Clarck.
Ordered that Mr Styles attend the next Provinciall Court to
answer the remoueinge of Tobaccos belonging to the Country,
Recd by Gyles Sadleir for his owne vse.
Liber H. H.
At a Councell held at St Marys 9th of Aprill 1662
Present The Leiutennt Generall Philip Calvert Esqr Deputy
Leiutennt Henry Sewall Esqr Secrry Robt Clarke Baker
Brooke Ed. LLoyd John Bateman & James Neale Esqrs
Ordered that James Clifton John Anderton Edward Hoskins
Thomas Taylor Ralph Dodson Henry Frith, and Rowland
Thornbury be kept in the Sherriffs hands till they finde sufficient
security to appeare att the next Proall Cort and for their good
behauiour in the meane tyme & itt is likewise ordered that
John Halfe head Jno Pollard & Robt MacckLane doe Enter into
Recognizance to appeare with their wiues att the next Proall
Con to prosecute their Complaynt.
p. 145
At a Councell held at St Marys on Wednesday the 9o
of Aprill 1662
Present Charles Caluert Esqr. Gouernor. Phillip Caluert Esqr.
Deputy Gouernor and Chancellor, Henry Sewall Esqr.
Secretary. Robert Clark. Baker Brooke Edward Loyd.
James Neale and John Beateman Esqrs Councellors.
p. 138
Vppon the oath of John Elzey it is ordered that John Nuttall
doe giue in Security to appeere at the next Provinciall to cleere
himselfe of the things hee is accused by John Elzey and francis
wright and that Mr Beateman doe take the sayd Wrights depo-
sition concerning the same and returne it into the secretary
Aprill the 9o 1662.
Ordered that James Clifton, John Anderton, Ed. Hoskins,
Thom. Taylor Ralph Dodson Hen. Frith & Rowland Thorn-
bury be kept in the sherriffs hands till they finde sufficient
security to appeere at the next Provinciall Cort and for their
good behauior in the meane tyme it is likwise ordered that
p. 139