Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
IX, No. 54.
infringe the aforesaid jurisdiction and government thereof
granted as aforesaid to your Petitioner, without which it will
be impossible for him to make any profitt or benefitt by his
said Plantation, according to your Majties gracious intentions
towards him, which by many reasons may be made evident.
And your Subject is confident your Majtie will not give way to
a thing so notoriously tending to his destruction, especially
considering that his said Grant was passed unto him after
many References had there upon to divers of the Lords of
your honorable Privy Councell, who both before and since the
passing of it have oftentymes notwithstanding all the objec-
tions to the contrary allowed and confirmed the same unto
him; whereupon and in confidence of your Majtiesroyall Justice
and favor for his quiett enjoyment of it, he hath employed the
greatest part of his fortune in the preservation thereof.
May it therefore please your most Excellent Majtie that your
Subject may enjoy the full benefitt of his said Grant, and that
you will be pleased to give directions to your Attorney and
Sollicitor Generall, that nothing may pass from your Majtie in
the new intended Grant aforesaid nor in any other which may
any way impeach either the Jurisdiction, Government or other
Interest granted to your Petitioner in the said Charter of
And your Petitioner shall daily pray for your Majties long
and happy Raigne over us.