the said Jacob Clauson to be a free Dennizen of this our
Province of Maryland And Doe further for us our heires and
Successors straightly enjoyne constitute ordeine and Command
that the said Jacob Clauson be in all thinges held treated
reputed and esteemed as one of the faythfull people of us our
heires and Successors borne within this our Province of Mary-
land And likewise any lands tenements Revenues Services
and other hereditamts whatsoever within our said Province of
Maryland may inherrite or otherwise purchase receive take haue
hould buy and possesse and them may occupye and Enjoye
give Sell alyen and bequeathe as likewise all Libertyes fran-
chises and priviledges of this our Province of Maryland freely
quietly and peaceably haue and possesse occupye and Enjoye
as our faythfull people borne or to be borne within our said
Province of Maryland without the Lett molestacon vexacon
trouble or greivance of us our heires and Successors any
Custome to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding
Giuen at Saint Marys under the Create Seale of our said Pro-
vince of Maryland this thirtyth day of July in the thirtyth yeare
of our dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq
domini One thousand Six hundred Sixty one Wittness our
Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esqr our Leivetennant of our said
Province of Maryland.
Idem to Jacob Micheelson.
Idem to Cornelius Comages
Idem to Michaell Vandernorte
Idem mutatis mutandis to John Jarboe Subject of the Crowne
of france