men to make warre vpon certaine ennemies Piratts, and
Robbers that had vsurped a parte of Delaware Baye lying
within the fortyth Degree of Northerly Latitude as followeth
C: Baltemore
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of Maryland and
Avalon Lord Baltemore &c To our Trusty and welbeloved
Captaine James Neale, and to all our officers in Maryland and
all others whome it may Concearne Greeting Whereas wee
vnderstand that certaine Ennemies Pyratts & Robbers haue
invaded and vsurped a parte of our said Province of Maryland
lying vpon the South side of Delaware Baye within the degree
of forty Northerly Latitude and diuers Forreignors furnish them
with Vessells Armes Provisions and other Goods to mayntayne
their said vnjust vsurpacon Knowe yee That wee reposeing
truste and confidence in the Courage and Experience in martiall
affaires and good affeccon of yow the said Captaine Neale Doe
by theis prsents appoynte and authorize yow the Said Captaine
Neale to Leavy muster and trayne any men in our said Province
of Maryland for the tyme being that shall be willing to Assist
yow in an Expedicon against the said Ennemies Pyratts and
Robbers, and to make warre against and to pursue any the said
Ennemies Pyratts and Robbers or any Forreigno" or their
Ships or other Vessells aydeing or abetting them as aforesaid
as well by Sea as by land yea even without the lymitts of our
said Province and by Gods Assistance to vanquish and take
them And to seize to our vse all or any howses and Goods of
the said Ennemies Pyratts and Robbers or their Abettors which
shall be vpon the Shoare within the lymitts of our said Province
takeing and keepeing to yor owne vse all such Goods on Shoare
which shall be seized by yow as aforesaid And to doe all and