proceedings in this yor County Courte And therefore yow shall
cause to be brought before yow at the said Dayes and places
the Writts precepts process and Indictmts to yor Courte and
Jurisdiccon belonging that the same may be inspected and by
a due Course determined as aforesaid Giuen at Saint Marys
vnder our Create Seale of our said Province of Maryland the
foureteenth day of June in the nyne and twentyth yeare of our
Dominion over the said Province and in the yeare of our Lord
1661 Wittness our Deare brother Philip Caluert Esqr and our
Leiuetennt of our said Province of Maryld
Yow shall Sweare that as Commissionrs in the County of
St Marys in all Articles in his Lops comon to yow Directed yo
shall Doe Equall Right to the poore as to the rich to the best
of yor cunning witt and power, and after the prsidents and
Customes of this Province, and Acts of Assembly thereof made
And that yow hould yor Sessions or Courts as yow are Directed
in yor Comon or according to Acts of Assembly provideing in
that behalfe, And all Fines and Amercments that shall happen
to be made and all forfeitures which shall before yow yee shall
cause to be Entred without any Concealemt and certefye the
same to his Lops Receivor of this Province Yee shall not
debarre, or hinder the prosecucon of Justice or take any Guifte
Bribe or fee to the intent to delay Judgement But shall behaue