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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660-1661. 403

vpon I Desired him to knowe how Vttapoingassinem came to
be King whether by Succession or Election ? or by what other
tytle to which he answered by the Interpreter Mr Thomas
Mathews setting forth the tytle of their Kings in this manner
That long a goe there came a King from the Easterne
Shoare who Comanded over all the Jndians now inhabiting
within the bounds of this Province (nameing every towne
severally) and also over the Patowmecks and Sasquehannoughs,
whome for that he Did as it were imbrace and cover them all
they called Vttapoingassinem this man dyeing without issue
made his brother Quokonassaum King after him, after whome

Liber H. H.

Succeeded his other brothers, after whose death they tooke a
Sisters Sonn, and soe from Brother to Brother, and for want of
such to a Sisters Sonne the Governmt descended for thirteene
Generacons without Jnterrupcon vntill Kittamaquunds tyme
who dyed without brother or Sister and apoynted his daughter
to be Queene but that the Jndians withstood itt as being Con-
trary to their Custome, wherevpon they chose Weghucasso for
their King who was descended from one of Vttapoingassinem
brothers (But which of them they knowe not) and Weghucasso
at his death appoynted this other Vttapoingassinem to be King
being descended from one of the first Kings this man they
sayd was Jan Jan Wizous which in their language signifyes a
true King. And would not suffer vs to call him Tawzin which
is the Style they give to the sons of their Kings, who by their
Custome are not to succeede in Rule, but his Brothers, or the
Sons of his Sisters
After this they made knowne to me the danger they were
in of the Janedoa Jndians or Cinigos whoe are a potent nacon
and had lately killed five of their men and threatned their
Forte for being freinds to vs and the Sasquehannoughs whoe
are at warre with the said Janedoas or Cinigos wherefore they
desired that for pay they might have foure English men to
helpe them make their Forte, To which J replyed that J would
call the Councell and after advice with them J would come vp
to Portoback and there send for them and Give them my

Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Barren of Baltemore &c To our
trusty and welbeloved Thomas Manning Gent. Vpon the
speciall Confidence and truste wee repose in yow Wee doe
hereby Constitute ordayne and appoynte yow to be our Attorney
Generall all persons in all Causes as well Criminall as Civill to
sue poursue prosecute and Implead and in our name all Suites
against vs Comenced to answere as fully and amply as any

p. 87

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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