mutineers; the Councell I called for theyr Advice in so
dangerous a business; But I found them so farre from intend-
ing any good, that they came armed with a strength to surprise
mee; and laying violent hands upon mee, charged mee with
Treason, for going about (as they sayde) to betray theyr Forte
into the hands of theyr Enemies of Marylande, telling mee that
I must resolve my selfe to goe presently into Englande, Theare
to make Answer to the Countries Complaints agaynst mee,
forthwith setting at libertie such of the mutiny whome I had
caused to be layd fast in irons. In the next place they called
an Assembly of the Burgesses and sum few dayes after made
a new Governor, my self being yet resident in the Countrie;
a large account of all theyr proceeds, I shall with all convenient
speed in person render unto your Honor, in the meane tyme I
thought these but of Dutye. As also to signifie to your Honor,
that landing at Plimouth the 24th of this month I have made
use of the Autoritie of the Mayor of the Place, to fasten upon
two persons which came in the ship with mee, the one a person
principally employed up and downe the Collonie) to persuade
the Inhabitants to subscribe to a cabball of pretended griev-
ances agaynst mee, the other expressly sent with Letters from
the Councell and theyr unlawfull Assemblie to theyr Agents
and abettors in Englande; I have also used the same meanes
to fasten upon theyr Letters, which being brought to view no
doubt but already the malice of theyr rebellions, Actions and
Intentions may be truly discerned; and it is to be feared that
they intend no less then the subjection of Maryland, for whilest
I was aborde the ship, and readie to depart the Collonie, theare
arrived Capt: Claborne from the Ile of Kent, with the newes
of an hostile encounter twixt sum of his People and those of
Marylande; and Captaine Francis Hooke tould mee that by
the relation of sum of Captin Claborne's owne companye, it
was they that sought out the Maryland Boates, which were
trading among the Indians and twice assaulted them, and that
theare were sum hurte and slayne on bothe sydes, and at
Captin Claborne's request two of the Councell were dispatchd
for Maryland, with a message, unto which, if those of Maryland
condiscend not, they intend to supplant them, and to send them
home as they have don mee, I presume Mr Kemp's letter will
more fully informe your Honor therin After many troubles
and a wearisom passage I am bound to repose a day or two I
will hasten up to render an account to your Honors of all
matters, concerning my Trust, in the meane tyme I rest,
Most readie to obey
your Honors commands
John Harvey.
Plimouth the 14th of July
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.