Liber H. H.
p. 67
ments vpon Contracts or Causes happening or arising after a
day to be by yow limitted in the said Proclamation, And to
procure an act of Assembly for the punishing of such as shall
Counterfeit the said Coyne, or otherwise offend in that behalfe
according to the forme of an Act recommended by me last
yeare to my Governor and Secretary, or as neere it as yow can
procure from the Assembly, and to giue me your advice next
yeare touching what yow thinke best to be further don in that
matter touching Coyne, for if encouradgment be giuen by the
good success of it this yeare there wilbe abundance of adven-
turers in it the next yeare
Mr Thomas Gerrard by his Letter this yeare to me, hath
informed that a Charge haueing bene put in against him in
the Court by my Atturney, and he ready to defend himselfe,
the Suite is Lett fall, which he saith is but a small satisfaction
to him, and desires my leaue to absent himselfe from the Coun-
cill, vntill he haue some reparation in his honnor, which is but
reason why hee should haue, and that he should not sitt in the
Councill while his reputation lyes vnder any blemish, there-
fore yow shall doe well, if hee shall desire it from yow, to
examine the Complaints that are against him, and according
to the meritt of the Cause acquitt or Censure him
To the End the Act touching Religion may be inviolably
observed both in the Provinciall and all inferior Courts of the
Province, J haue caused some coppies of it to be printed, and
sent over to yow, one whereof J would haue sett vp in some
convenient place of the Roome where any Court shalbe held
in my Province sometyme afore the Court breake vp, And J
strictly require and enioyne you to maintaine that Act and pro-
ceede in all your Courts exactly according to it, and to see
that all Commissioners in their County Courts doe soe too.
J perceiue by some letters of this yeare that there is a ques-
tion moved by some whither ffellons goods are not included in
or vnder those words in the Grant of a Mannor (proffitts most
vsually belonging to Manners in England) which because it
may perhaps come to be questioned in the Court there, I
thinke it fitt to preacquaint yow that ffellons are noe proffiitts
either most vsually or at all belonging to any Mannor in Eng-
land in vertue of its being a Mannor, but is and must be
granted by speciall favor, and speciall words, and is many
tymes granted to some in other mens Manners, and hereof I
require yow to take notice if ever the Cause should happen to
come afore yow.