And Doe hereby Order him the said Abington to take and
receiue the whole Estate whither Servants Cattle Goods Horses
Debts or otherwise into his possession soe to order and dis-
pose of them as shall by Letters and Instructions this Yeare
receiued or to be receiued from the said Cornwaleys be ordered
and appointed
Locus x Sigilli By the Commissioners for ordering and
mannadging the affaires of the Admiralty & Navy
In Pursuance of an Order of his Highnes the Lord Protector
and Councell of the 23th of December 1658 These are to will
and require yow to permitt and suffer the Ship George of
Bantry in Ireland burden two hundred Tuns or thereabouts
whereof Jacob Van Slodt is Master, and Collonell George
Walters of Bantry aforesaid Daniell Arthur of London mar-
chant, Lancelott Stepney, and ffrancis Creagh of Ireland John
White & Andrew Creagh resident in Amsterdam, and ffrancis
Waters and ffrancis Arthur of Barbadoes are owners and
{freighters, bound from Amsterdam to Virginia Barbadoes or
any other of the Caribda Jlands to Pass to any of the said
Places with her goods and Cargoe, and to retourne from
thence with the proceede of the said goods to England Amster-
dam or any other Porte in amity with this Commonwealth,
without any lett hindrance or molestation Whereof yow are
not to faile. Given vnder our hands and Seale at Whitehall
this Sixth day of Ianuary 1658
To all Captaines and Comanders Phi Jones Ed. Salmon
of ships in the service of this Comon- John Clerke Tho Kelsey
Wealth, and to all privat men of Robert Beake.
warr and others whom this may
Jnt Ro: Blackborne Secty
This Pass is Registred in the high Court of the Admiralty
of England by order of the said Court this tenth day of lanuary
1658 English Style
Samuel Howe Deputy