372 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657—1660.
Liber H. H.
that the further occupation of that great buisness of Conse-
quence did belong and must be referred to the Honnoble Gov-
ernor Gennerall & Councell of the whole Province of the New
Netherlands of whom an answere should be expected within
three weekes tyme Who after ayd and assistance done to
their Subiects in the aforesaid River haue vs vnder written as
Embassadors, and Messengers with all speede send hither to
yow the Honnoble Governor and Councell Assembly, or whom
it in any way might Concearne in the Province of Maryland of
Chesepeake Bay, for to Declare and manifest by power and
authority of our Comission whereof wee this present deliver
first that the foresaid iniurious parts are done not only against
the lawe of Nations Neighbourly freindship, and Comon aequity,
But also directly Contrary to the Amity Confederacy and Peace
made and Concluded in the yeare of our Lord God Allmighty
1654, Betweene the two Nations of the Republick of England,
and the Republick of the Vnited Provinces and their Subiects
all over the World (vizt) Articles 2. 3. 5. 6. 9. 10th and 16.
Whereby Wee proclaime the said Embassadors Amity and
Peace is disturbed and interupted by the said Coll" Nathaniell
Vtie or his Principles of the Province of Maryland against the
Province of New Netherland aforesaid, And therefore make
protest and by power from the abouesaid 16 Article of peace
and Sociatyon, Demand lustice and Satisfaction of all those
Wrongs and Damages the Province of the New Netherlands
and their Subiects haue already by the abouesaid iniurious
proceedings suffered, or as yet may come to suffer.
Secondly Wee demand the sending and retourneing back
to our aforesaid Sowth River and Collony all the Dutch and
p. 52
Swedes people Subiects Runawayes and fugitiues which from
tyme to tyme especially this present yeare (for the most part
deeply ingaged indebted, or delinquents) are come over and
remaine in this Province of Maryland, as it is strongly suspected
by meanes of the abouesaid odious and iniurious clesigne from
hand to hand incouradged. Declaring that the said honnoble
Governor Gennerall, and Councell of the New Netherlands, are
in readiness to doe the like in sending, and retourneing back
to Maryland all those Runawayes, and fugitiues which may
come into their Jurisdiction and Government aforesaid, Which
manifestation in Case of not That according to lege tallionis,
The honnoble Governor Generall and Councell of the new
Netherlands aforesaid hould themselues Constrained necessi-
tated and excused to publish free liberty access and recess to
all Planters Servants Negros, ffugitiues and Runawayes which
from tyme to tyme may come over out of the Jurisdiction of
Maryland into the Jurisdiction of the New Netherlands afore-