Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 369
damages already sustained (by his frivolous demands and
bloudy threatening) Jn Conservation of our plantations in the
Sowth River and hereafter may be inforced to doe. And
further by these our open Commission doe request that the
abovementioned Embassadors Augustinus Heermans and
Resolvert Waldron as our trusty Agents, according to the lawe
of Nations may be receaved heard, and full Creditt may be
giuen promising to ratify and to approve, and to hold of force
what shalbe don by them, according this Commission as if such
was don by our Selfe. These Wee haue giuen vnder our
ordinary Cachett, and Signature in Amsterdam in N Netherland
Liber H. H.
the 23th of September Anno one thowsand Six hundred ffifty
P Stuyvesant
p. 48
Locus Sigilli
By Comand of the Lord Director
Generall of the N. Netherland Curacoe
&c and the Lords of the Councell
C V Ruyven Secrets
After which the said Agents delivered the ensuing Declara-
tion (vizt)
Declaration and manifestation
By way of Speech delivered vnto the Honnoble
Governor and Councell of the Province of Maryland
in Chesepeake Bay from and in the behalfe of the
honnoble Governor Generall and Councell of the pro-
vince of the new Netherlands.
Notifying first and former the Ancient originall Right and
Tytle the Subiects of the High and mighty States Generall of
trip Vnited prnvinr.es vnder the propriety of the Lords of the
West Indy Company of Amsterdam in Holland, Haue vnto
the Province of the New Netherlands, latituded from Degree
38, to about 42 by the Great Ocean Sea, and from thence 200
(Circuited all Rivers Jlands, and maine Continents) Northerly
vp to the River of Canada, on the West side Virginia, and
now Maryland Upon the great Bay of Chesopeake, and on the
East New England. To say, That their Ancient Right and
Tytle to that parte of the New found World of America.
Doth in a manner derive to them, first from the King of
Spaine, as then Subiects or Vassalls to the first finder and
fundator of that New world Who after Warr and peace in
those dayes Concludeth did renounce and Giue over vnto the
vnited Republick of the Seven provinces aforesaid all his
Right and Tytle of those Countreys and Dominions they haue