Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 365
Order Dela-
ware Bay.
Then was taken into Consideracon his Lops Jn-
struction & Command to send to the Dutch in
Liber H. H.
Delaware bay seated within his Lops Province to command
them to be gon. & Ordered
That Coll: Nathaniell Vtie do make his repaire to the
pretended Governor of a People seated in Delaware bay within
his lops Province & that he do giue them to Vnderstand that
they are seated within this his Lops Province without Notice
Giuen to his Lordships Lieutenant heere & to require him to
depart the Province.
That in case he find opportunity he insinuate vnto the People
there seated that in case they make theyr application to his
Lordships Governt heere they shall find good Condicons, Ac-
cording to the Condicons of Plantacon granted to all Commers
into this Province wch shall be made good to them: & that they
shall haue protection in theyr lines, libertys, & estates wch they
shall bring with them.
The letter of the Governor to the Com-
mander of the People in Delaware bay.
Letter sent by Coll
Vtie to Delaware
I receaued a letter from you directed to me
as the lord Baltemores Governor & lieutenant
of the Province of Maryland wherein you suppose your selfe to
be Governor of a people seated in a part of Delaware Bay wch
J am very well informed lyeth to the southward of the degree
forty & therefore can by no meanes owne or acknowledge any
for Governor there but my selfe who am by his lop appointed
lieutenant of his whole Province lyeing betweene the degrees
38 & 40: but do by these require & command you presently
to depart forth of this his lops Province or otherwise desire you
to hould me excused if I vse my Vtmost endeavour to reduce
that part of his Lops Province vnto its due obedience vnder
Orders of the Councell of State.
Tuesday 4th October 1659.
Upon Information given by Richard Pight Clerke of the
Irons in the Mint, that Cicill Lord Baltarnore and diverse others
with him, and for him, have made and transported great sums
P. R. O.
Vol. 107,
p. 646
Lord Baltamore
to be apprehd
of money, and doe still goe on to make more.
Ordered. That a Warrant be issued forth to the
said Richard Pight for the apprehending of the Lord Baltamore
and such others as are suspected to be ingaged with him, in
the said offence, and for the seizing of all such monys stamps,
tooles and Instruments for coyning the same, as can be met
with, and to bring them in safe Custody to the Councell.