Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 349
Then was taken into Consideracon the further settlement of
militia and Resolved that for the Present the forces of this
Province should be divided into two Regiments the one con-
sisting of all the forces in Patowmecke & Patuxent Rivers the
other of all the forces from the Coves vp to the seaven moun-
taines, and the Isle of Kent. The first of wch the Governor
would command himselfe the other should be Commanded by
Mr Nathaniell Vtie. &
Liber H. H.
Colonell Nathaniell
That a Commission be drawne for Coll: Na-
thaniell Vtie to Command all the forces
betweene the Coves of Patuxent River & the seauen Moun-
taines, & that he Command as his owne Company all the
forces from the head of Seaverne River on the northside
thereof to the seaven Mountaines.
Cap: Lt Jo: Cumber
That a Commission be drawne for John
Cumber to be his Captaine Lieutenant. And
that they chuse theyr ensigne
Maior Ri: Ewens
That a Commission be drawne for Richard
Ewen to Command as Maior vnder Coll: Na-
thaniell Vtie & that he Command as his owne Company all
the forces from the Southside of South River vp to the
head thereof and Mr Anthony Salways house in the Herring
Creeke Inclusively
Lt Alex: Gourdon.
That a Comission be drawne for Alexander
Gourdon to be his Lieutenant : that they chuse
theyr ensigne.
Cap: Tho: Howell
That a Commission be drawne to Captaine
Thomas Howell to Command all the forces on
the southside of Seaverne River vp to the head thereof & the
north side of South River vp to the head thereof.
Lt John Collier.
That a Commission be drawne for John Collier
to be his Lieutenant. That they Chuse theyr
Cap: Tho: Bradnocke
That a Comission be drawne for Thomas
Bradnocke to comand all the forces on the
Ile of Kent
Lt Tho: Wetherell
That Thomas Wetherell be his Lieutenant,
that they chuse theyr ensigne.
At a Councell held 16o Julij
vpon the Jle of Kent
The Governor
Present the Secretary
Col: Nathaniell Vtie.
P. 27
Vpon informacon Given that Thomas Thurston was Prisoner
but that Iosias Cole was at Annarundell seduceing the People