332 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.
Liber H. H.
Captaine William Stone (in case of Death or absence out of
the Province) Power to Nominate Elect & appoint any other
person of the Councell in his Place Knowe Yee therefore that
I for divers good Causes me there vnto moveing & being con-
fident of the Jndustry Integrity & fidelity of Mr Luke Barber
to his said Lordship Haue Nominated constituted and ap-
p. 10
pointed and Doe by these presents Nominate Constitute &
appoint the said Luke Barber my deputy Lieutenant of this
Province (Reserveing vnto myselfe all benefitts allowed me by
his said Lordship) To Have and To Hould the said Office
vntill such time as J returne againe into this Province or that
the Lord Proprietary or his Heires signify theyr pleasure to
the Contrary Provided allways that the said Luke Barber
grant no Warrants to any person or persons for the Survey of
any lands but vpon Certificate from the Secretary of State of
this Province, of Rights duly entred in his Office for the same,
Strictly Chargeing & requireing all persons to yeald all due
obedience to him the said Luke Barber as my Deputy as they
will answer the Contrary att theyr Perrill. Given Vnder my
hand and seale at St Marys this 18th day of June Anno Dni
Iosias Fendall.
P. R. O.
Vol. 151,
No. 33.
1657. August?
Proposalls for transporting Irish to Maryland,
Liber H. H.
p. 10
On Friday the 26th of February returned into
Februarij 26o this Province Iosias Fendall Lieutenant of the
same & recalled his Former deputation to Luke Barber.
[Agreement between the Proprietary and Commissioners.]
At a Councell held at
St Marys 27o February
The Lieutenant.
Mr Secretary.
Cap: Wm Stone
The Lieutenat published the Articles of agreement betweene
the Lord Proprietary of this Province & Richard Bennett Esq
wch are as Followeth. Viz
Whereas there hase bin of late viz in the yeare 1652 &
since som Controversies betweene the Right Honble Csecilius
Lord Baltemore Lord & Proprietary of the Province of Mary-
land & Richard Bennett Esq & other People in Maryland
nowe or late in opposicon to his Lops Government of the said
Province vpon wch haue vnhappily followed much bloudshed &
greate distempers there endangering the Vtter ruine of that