32 Documents relating to the
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
A Breviate of Captaine Claiborne's
Petition to his Majestic.
May 1631 — April 1635.
16 May, 1631.
His Majestie's Commission was granted to Captaine Clay-
borne and Partners.
17 Aug., 1631.
20 June, 1632.
The He of Kent was planted and soone after purchased of
the Indyans as may appeare.
The Lord Baltimore obteyned a patent of land not cultivated
nor planted.
June, 1633,
Upon reference from the Kinge to the Lords. It was
ordered that the He of Kent should not be included in Mary-
land Patent and that there should be free Trade.
27 Mar., 1634,
8 April, 1634,
Maryland was planted.
By proclamation they interdicted trade, surprised boates,
some out of their lymitts.
22 July, 1634
The Lords wrott Letters to the Councell of Virginia, that his
Majtie out of his royall favor was pleased to let them knowe
that it was not intended the interest by which men had setled
should be impeached, but to enjoy their estates and trades, yet
this the Marylanders denyed.
8 Oct., 1634.
Upon Complaints his Majtie was pleased to confirm the said
Commission by his royall Letters, declaring that it was contrary
to Justice, and his Majties intention in the said Lords Patent,
commanding them not to molest us, yet they slighted the
Commission, and Letter, and though they were made acquainted
with them, tooke our boates and goods.
5 April, 1635.
By this meanes we were brought to extreme want of Corne
that some were nere starved; and thereupon sending a small
boate to redemand our vessels, they slew 3 of our men and
hurte 3 more.
April, 1635
They have ever since hindered us in our Trade. They have
accused the petitioners unjustly of many crimes and conspired
against him, to his utter undoeing as he can make appeare.
Colonial Pa
pers. Vol
VIII, No. 4
Order of the Governor & Council of Virginia
14 March 1634.