William Fuller, mr Richard Preston or mr William Durand to
be alwaies one to be Commissioners for the well Ordering,
directing and Governing the affaires of Maryland under his
highness the Lord Protector of England, Scotland, Ireland and
the Dominions thereof, and in his Name onely and no other,
and to proceed therein as neare as may be to the Lawes of
England. To appoint and hold Courts for the due Adminis-
tration of Justice and Right in Such places and at Such times
as they Shall thing meet and Necessary, And any of the Com-
missioners of the Quorum to issue out Writts, Warrants &
Subpoenas &c: As alsoe that they Summon an Assembly to begin
on the 20th day of October Next. For which Assembly all Such
Shall be disabled to give any Vote or to be Elected Members
thereof as have borne Armes in Warr against the Parliament
of doe profess the Roman Catholick Religion, And the Said mr
William Durand is hereby appointed to be Secretary to the
Said Commissionrs and to receive the Records from mr Thomas
Hatton And Capt John Smith to be Sheriffe for this ensuing
year, Dated at Putuxent River in the Province of Maryland the
22th day of July 1654.
Recordum Verum Teste Ri: Bennett
Wmo Durand Seer. Wm Claiborne
You are hereby Required to deliver the Records of this Pro-
vince and all the papers concerning the Same unto mr William
Durand or whom he Shall appoint to receive them from you
July 22. 1651
Ri: Bennett
To mr Thomas Hatton W: Claiborne
Liber B.
Whereas there was a Suit depending between your Petitioners
father, William Hardwich and Capt Thomas Cornwalleys who
Sued all of us as aforesaid in an Action of one thousand
pound Sterling, which Suit comeing to a hearing about April
last was twelve month, the Said Capt Cornwalleys not proving
any thing against us, there the petitionrs proved Severall par-
dons by the former Governors Leo: Calvert Esq, mr Thomas
Greene and Since my Lord Baltemore then Proprietary of this
Province which pardons was confirmed by act of Assembly,
and an Act of oblivion to remitt all offences, yor petitionrs
p. 633