Wmo Durand
Augti 8o 1654.
Commission for the Administration of Justice
in the Province of Maryland now Reduced
and Settled under the obedience of the Com-
Liber B.
p. 618
monwealth of England in the Name of his Highness the
Lord Protector of England, Scotland, Ireland and all
the Dominions thereto belonging, Given by the Honble
Richard Bennett Esq and Colonell Willm Clayborne
Commission" for his Highness to the Reduceing and
Settling the Plantatations of Virginia and Maryland
Under the Obedience aforesaid.
Whereas by Severall Orders drawn up and published at St
Maries the 29 of March and the 28 of June 1652 The Province
of Maryland was reduced and Settled under the Authority and
obedience of the Commonwealth of England as to the Governmt
thereof by Speciall Order and Command of the Councell of
State by Commission from the Parliament, and was left in the
hands of Capt William Stone mr Thomas Hatton and others
who were required to issue Out all writts and other processe
in the Name of the keepers of the Libertys of England, accord-
ing to the Express words of the Commission and instructions
for reduceing Settling and Governing of all the Plantations in
the Bay of Chesapeacke to the obedience of the Commonwealth
of England, as in and by the aforesaid Orders or Proclamations
may and doth appeare. And Whereas the aforesaid Capt Wm
Stone by Speciall order from the Said Lord Baltemore (as it
appeareth) was perswaded and induced to goe away from his
obligation and the trust reposed in him by Issueing forth writts
and all other processe in the Name of the Lord Proprietary of
this Province, placeing and Displaceing those of the Councell
& Imposing an Oath upon the Inhabitants Contrary to and
Incosistent, with their engagemt and oath to the Commonwealth
of England upon the penalty and forfeiture of the lands of all
Such as Should refuse to take the Same within three Months
after Publication thereof which were then to be Entred and
Seized upon for his Ldps use thereby occasioning great dis-
content and disturbance among the Inhabitants, besides the
Irregularity and Cruelty of the Said proceeding and the oppo-
sition and Rebellion therein to the Commonwealth of England,
& his highness the Lord protector. And further Whereas by
p. 619