306 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
Liber B.
flower of London then tradeing or intending to trade in the
Said Province did with the assistance of his Said Ship men
and Amunition thereunto belonging forcibly take as prize a
Certaine Ship called the Maid of Gaunt then riding or run
on Shore in St Georges River within the Said Province which
had traded in Virginia the last year, having (as appeared to
us) the Governour of Virginia's Warrant for So doing in
regard as it Seems the owner and Merchants thereof were
Inhabitants of the king of Spain's Dominion as by Commis-
sions produced to that purpose appeared to our Understand-
ing, And that with and in the Said Ship the maid of Gaunt the
Said Capt Webber Likewise tooke as prize (as we are Very
Credibly informed) 46 hhds of Tob: with divers goods & hous-
hould Stuffe belonging to mr Symon Oversey Merchant an
Inhabitant of the Said Province of Maryland and that the Said
Capt Webber refusing either to Submitt to a Tryall touching
the premisses before the Governour and Councell of the Said
Province or to make or give other Satisfaction therein, hath
Carried away the Said Ship, Tackle, furniture Tobacco and
Goods out of the Said Province as prize intending as we con-
ceive for the Port of London, All which we declare and Certifie
as aforesaid. Given at St Maries in the Said Province of
Maryland under our hands this 12th day of June Anno Dni
William Stone: Tho: Hatton
p. 611
The Deposition of mr Henry Corbyn of London
Mercht aged about 25th years, Sworne and Examined
in the Province of Maryland before the Governour &
Councell there (whose Names are hereunto Subscribed)
the 23th day of June Anno Domini 1654. Saith
That at Sea upon his this Deponents Voyage hither in the
Ship called the Charity of London mr John Bosworth being
Master and about a fortnight or three weeks before the Said
Ships arrivall in this Province of Maryland, or before A Ru-
mour amongst the Seamen was very frequent, that one Mary
Lee then aboard the Said Ship was a witch, the Said Seamen
Confidently affirming the Same upon her own deportment and
discourse, and then more Earnestly then before Importuned
the Said Master that a tryall might be had of her which he the
Said Master, mr Bosworth refused, but resolved (as he Ex-
pressed to put her ashore upon the Barmudoes) but Cross
wids prvented and the Ship grew daily more Leaky almost to
desparation and the Chiefe Seamen often declared their Reso-
lution of Leaving her if an opportunity offerred it Self which