mr Willm Eltonhead and others disireing Some Course might
be taken for the getting up and killing the wild Cattell, The
Court then conceiving it to be a busieness of Generall Con-
cernment, and wherein the Ld Proprietary might likewise be
Interessed, referred the busieness till the next Generall Assem-
bly as most proper then to be Settled & determined, And
Whereas I am Given to understand by mr Thomas Hatton his
Lordships Attorney Generall and others that Notwithstanding
the Said order of reference (as it is Very Credibly reported)
Marks Pheypo, Nicolas Keeting Martin Kirke, and others have
of late in a bould Contemptious unwarrantable Manner, gotten
up, killed or disposed of to their own use or otherwise a Great
Number of wild unmarked and other Cattle to his Ldps Great
wrong and abuse and Contempt of the Governmt here Settled
under him, for which the Said Atturney intends in convenient
time to Call them to a Strict Accompt, But for the better pre-
vention of the like insolencies for the future and to put a Speedy
Stop to the Said Contemptious and unwarrantable proceedings,
These are in the Name of the keepers of the Liberties of Eng-
land by Authority of Parliament and as Governour here under
the Right Honble the Ld Baltemore Lord Proprietary of this
province Strictly to Charge and Command the Said Marks
Phepo, Nicolas Keeting and Martin Kerke, and all others
whom it may concerne that they and every of the from hence
forward forbear to gett up kill or dispose of any wild unmarked
Cattell and if any they have now in their penn or Custody that
they forthwith turn them loose and not any further to Meddle
therein till by Some Act or Order of Assembly or Other Law-
full Warrant by Authority here under his Ldp they be Authozed
for Soe doeing as they will Answer the Contrary at their
perills Given at St Maries this 15th day of December 1653.
William Stone
p. 497