one pound and a half of powder and Six pounds of Shott and
Victualls for twenty days after the Said day of Generall Rande-
vouze, And with all other Necessary Armes, Amunition and
provision, according to the Said order, which Armes Amunition
and provision is to be found and provided by or at the Charge of
every of the other Six out of whom the Said Seventh man is
to be pressed as aforesaid, And which Armes Amunition and
provision you may if occasion Shall be Leavy or presse accord-
ingly, and the Said men Soe pressed and accomodated as
aforesaid are then and there to attend the Commands of the
Said Capt William ffuller, to all intents and purposes in the
aforesaid order and in his the Said Capt Generalls Commission
Contained Soe farr as it doth or may concerne them or any of
them and this upon the Strictest penalty in cases of this Nature
provided, hereof faile you not at yor perill, Given at St Maries
this 29th day of November 1652.
Wm Stone
To the Sheriffe of Annarundell County his Depty or Deputys
By the Lieutent &c of Maryland
These are in the Names of the Keepers of the Liberties of
England -p Authority of Parliamt strictly to Charge and require
you forthwith after receipt hereof to presse one able man out
of Every Seven, inhabiting throughout St Maries County,
Charles County and on Putuxent River on the North Side
thereof, (councellors, Commissioners and other officers and
persons of publick Imploymt and others usually freed in cases
of this Nature Excepted) as alsoe two Sufficient Boats, Sloops
or other Vessells fitting for their transportation and use in the
Service, menconed in an order of the Provinciall Court of the
25th day of this present Month of November of which order
Liber B.
You Shall herewith receive a true Coppy, And for one of the
men to be pressed in St Maries County you are to presse Wil-
liam Thompson Servant to John Jarbo with Tools from John
Dandy according to the Said order, all and Every which men
Soe pressed together with the Said Boats or other Vessells are
to meet at Mattapania upon the South Side of Putuxent River
upon the twentieth day of December next, with Each of them
a Gunn well fixed one pound & a half of powder and Six
pounds of Shott, and Victualls for Thirty days and with all
other necessary Armes Amunition and provision according
to the Said order, which Armes, Amunition and provision is
to be found or provided by or at the Charge of every of the
other Six out of whom the Said Seventh man is to be pressed
as aforesaid, And which Armes, Amunition, Victualls and
p. 357