Vol. 50.
published as alsoe the Acts for abollishing the booke of Com-
monprayer and for subscribing the Engagement and all other
Acts herewith delivered you.
You or any one or more of you have full power to adminis-
ter an oath to all the Inhabitants or Planters there, to bee true
and faithfull to the Commonwealth of England as it is now
Established without a King or House of Lords.
You or any two or more of you whereof Capt. Robt Denis
to bee one, have power to give Liberty to the Inhabitants and
Planters who shall have taken the Engagement formerly men-
tioned to choose such Burgesses as they shall thinke fitt, and
send to the place you shall appoint for the better regulating
and governing of affairs there, provided that nothing bee acted
contrary to the Government of this Commonwealth of England
and the Lawes there established.
You shall cause all writts warrants and other processe what-
soever to bee issued forth as occasion shall require in the
name of the keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority
of Parliament.
In Case of Mortality or absence of Captaine Robert Denis
you or any two or more of you have power to put in Execu-
tion these Instructions.
In Case of Mortality or absence of Captaine Robert Denis
Edmund Curtis Commander of the Guinieey Frigott is hereby
empowered to act as Commissioner with you or any two or
more of you And he is alsoe in the absence of Captaine Robert
Denis to take the Charge and Command of the fleet soe farr
as concernes the shipping according to the power given to
Captaine Robert Dennis.
And lastly as wee doubt not but you will use your best dilli-
gence and care in carrying on of this affaire of consequence with
which you are intrusted and that by your good endeavours it
will have a good Issue soe the Councell will take the same
into consideration that respect may bee had of your paines and
travell therein and of a recompense agreable to your service
when the same shall bee compleated and worke upon which
yow are employed shall bee finished.
Septr 26. 1651.
Liber B.
p. 289
By the Lieutent &c of Maryland.
Pubiicat eod Whereas the payment of his Lordps Rents hath
been of late years very much Slighted and neglected by divers
of the Inhabitants of this County of St Maries, to the great
dishonour of his Lordp and the government here established
under him, yet noe Strict or rigorous Course hath been hitherto
taken Since my arrival here as Governor to Compell the pay-