264 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
Liber C. B.
to our Receiver General there In as large full and ample
manner and form as any other of our Council or Receiver
General of our said Province (as a Counsellor of State and
Receiver General may can or ought to have Enjoy or have
formerly enjoyed by force and Virtue of any Grant Commis-
sion Instrument or warrant from us for that purpose and we
do hereby further Constitute and Appoint you to be one of
our Justices and Commissioners for Conservation of the Peace
of our said Province of Maryland until we or our heirs shall
signify our or their Pleasure to the Contrary and we do hereby
also Grant unto you full Power and Authority during the said
time ..... to Act as a Justice of Peace of the said Province of
Maryland in as full and ample manner and form as any other
our Iustices and Commissioners for Conservation of the Peace
of the said Province may can or ought to do according to the
Powers Given them or any of them by any Grant or Commis-
sion from us for that Purpose Given under our hand and
Greater Seal at Arms the first of August in the twentieth year
of our Dominion of the said Province of Maryland & in the
Year of our Lord 1651
P. R. O.
Vol. 132.
The forme of a Passe
These are to will and require you to permitt and suffer the
bearer hereof to transport himselfe and
necessaries without any your Letts or
molestations he carrying nothing with him prejudiciall to the
State. Of which you are not to faile and for which this shall
be your Warrant given at the Councell of State at Whitehall
To all Customers Comptrolers
and Searchers and all other Officers
of the Ports and Customes.
Hccre followeth of all such as have had Passes
p. 25
Name Place Tyme
Wm Mitchell to Maryland 3o Sepr 1651.
with his Company their families servants 3
goods and necessaryes they takeing the
Vol. 50, p. 84
Instructions for Captaine Robert Denis Mr Richard Bennet,
Mr Thomas Stagge and Capt: William Clabourne appointed
Commissioners for the Reduceing of Virginia and the Inhabit-
ants thereof to their due obedience to the Commonwealth of