Whereas I Capt William Stone Leivetenant &c of this Pro-
vince of Maryland by Comission from the right hoble the Lord
Baltemore Lord Proprietary of the same, having occasion to
bee for sometime absent out of this Province, doe by vertue of
& according to the power and authority, to mee granted by
the said Comission, nominate elect and appoint Thomas Hat-
ton gent (his Lopps Secretary) to bee his Lopps Leivetenant Gene-
rail, Chancellor or keeper of the Great Seale, Admirall, cheife
Justice Magistrate and Comander as well by Sea as by land of
this his Lopps said Province of Maryland and the Islands to the
same belonging duringe my absence out of this Province or
vntill his Lopps or his heires signify his or theire pleasure to the
contrary in as large and ample manner as his Lopp hath by the
said Comission authorized mee to governe for the prsent.
Witnes my hand this 22th day of May Anno dni 1650
William Stone
p. 334